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What Can I Take on the Plane?

Did you know that IHateTaxis.com is the independent travel resource site for grounds transfers just about anywhere in the world? Search for any location using the search box to the left and find all sorts of useful information about your next trip.

IHateTaxis.com also allows you to directly book your airport, cruise port, or train station arrival and departure transfers for over 1000 locations around the world at very competitive prices. Avoid language issues and rip-offs where ever your travels may take you.

What can I take on the plane With a business or pleasure trip just around the corner, packing your luggage can be both fun and stressful. Not only do you need to account for the clothing that you will need during your trip, you will also need to think about overall weight and what you will place in each piece of your luggage to avoid security issues. You also need to plan if some of your luggage decides to take a vacation of its own.

The IHateTaxis.com team have packed up our luggage so many times for so many different trips, be it for that relaxing week in Hawaii or the five week safari in Tanzania complete with a Kilimanjaro hire. All IHateTaxis.com team members have had the experience of losing our luggage for several days or have had to deal with a security issue since something we packed was not allowed to go on the plane. So with lots of experience and the latest security information, we have complied a guide of "what you can and cannot take on the plane", complete with all of our experiences to make your trip as stress-free as possible.

We have broken our luggage tips into two parts to make your packing easier:

What can I carry & take on an airplaneCarry-on Luggage
Items that you take on the plane with you

Checked luggageChecked Luggage
Luggage that is handled by the airline and recovered at your final destination

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